(Max 3 timers)

Set a desired audit time in minutes. As the timer goes off and the timestamps are logged the value set in this field will give a ✓ for each check that is lower, and a ✘ if the check is late.

Every check that is late will also show you the time it should have been.

E.G. entering 60 minutes here would mean that every 55 minute check would be good. If you didn't restart the timer until 61 minutes it would show as a bad check and give you the correct timestamp.

Timestamp Status

Audit Time Calculator

Enter a timestamp: for the number of hours set this calculator will show you the intended start timestamp for each log. You can set at what interval you want the log start times displayed.

E.G. for a timestamp of 133052 the table will show by default all 161 three minute timestamps, 37 thirteen minute timestamps, etc.

You can enter "0" to remove a column.